Placer Heights Baptist Church
Friday, January 10, 2025

What is the service like?

 Feel free to sit anywhere in the sanctuary, there are not assigned seats. Our service starts with a welcome by the pastor and song service. We invite you to sing with us as we worship.
 During the song portion of our service the ushers will pass an offering bag among the congregation. You may give if you wish but you are not obligated. This is to give our members the opportunity to contribute to the ministry of the church.
 Following the song service there will be brief children’s sermon and afterwards all children ages 4-8 will be dismissed to Children’s Church where they will have a lesson just for them. A nursery is provided for younger children. Your child may remain with you during the sermon if you wish. After the service you may pick your children up in the church library located right behind the worship center or in the nursery.
If you would like to talk to the pastor or share a concern with him, feel free to speak with him after the service.